From the development director’s desk:

To stay current on the state of early childhood education I rely on two very important websites.  Pre-K Now and National Institute for Early Education Research.  Pre-K Now is a project of the Pew Center on the States and NIEER is the research program of  Rutgers Graduate School of Education.  Together they disseminate, educate, and elevate the importance to support high quality, effective early childhood education for all young children. 

Here at our foundation it is the published research data and resources that both of these organizations provide that help us continue to promote our mission. Subscribing to their newsletters and email updates are very useful tools for me.

I know that when I write a fund-raising letter, or a proposal to the Board of Directors, and list benefits for awarding PRE-K scholarships and ask our patrons for more money and directors for more time that the facts are there.  That there is a large community of support that I can rely on.   As Hillary coined…"It’s takes a community to raise a child".

Thanks for your continued support.
